Celebrate DVC!


DVC is ranked #1 in the state in transfers to UC Berkeley, Saint Mary's College, and Cal State Maritime Academy!

DVC is ranked #1 in the state in the total number of Associate Degrees for Transfer conferred (824).

Here's where DVC stands on few other ADT metrics and where we ranked for 2015-16:

  • DVC had the second highest rate of ADTs conferred as a percentage of all degrees awarded (49.6% of all degrees were ADTs)
  • DVC had the third largest total increase in ADTs conferred from the prior year (215 more ADTs awarded in 2015-16 than in 2014-15)

Learn more about ADTs


DVC was ranked #2 in California, and 16 in the nation for Washington bestBest Two Year Colleges for Adult Learners. 

Learn more about PACE - Program for Adult College Education at DVC

DVC is ranked #2 in the state transfers to CSU East Bay and in applications and admits to UC Davis.


DVC is ranked #3 in the state in transfers to UC Santa Cruz, San Francisco State University, and all NINE UC campuses overall.

 Top 5

DVC ranked in the top 5 for large schools in EDsmart’s listEdSmart of top community colleges in California based on graduation and transfer rates.