College Council

(Established 8/19/2015, Revised 3/6/2019)


The college has established the College Council as its college-wide governance body to support, facilitate and monitor the overall progress of the college toward achieving its goals as established in the DVC Educational Master Plan. The college’s goals are informed by many internal and external sources, such as the college’s mission, vision and values, program review, college wide planning, the Academic Senate, state, federal or accreditation mandates, or other sources. Although College Council has an explicit governance role in the advancement of college goals, every employee, governance body, committee, task force, work group, unit, and program of DVC shares the responsibility of helping the college achieve its goals. [I, III.A.1, IV.A.1]

College Council aligns the college’s annual goals and priorities with the goals of the college Educational Master Plan through a collaborative, transparent governance process (DVC procedure 1009.1). College Council sets measurable, expected outcomes based upon these annual goals and priorities. To achieve these expected outcomes, the college prioritizes its activities. College Council is responsible to ensure that the college engages in continuous, broad-based, systematic evaluation and planning based on the college’s goals, annual priorities and outcomes to improve institutional effectiveness and inclusive academic excellence. [I.B.9]

Charge and Function

College Council supports the following institutional responsibilities.

  1. The college establishes priorities for its annual work supporting student success and institutional effectiveness [I.B.3] and has annual measurable, expected outcomes/goal to achieve. [I.B.3]

    College Council
    • is informed about the goals in the DVC Educational Master Plan and in all college plans,
    • facilitates the establishment of the college's measurable annual outcomes/goals and priorities through a collaborative and transparent governance process (DVC procedure 1009.1) [I.B.3, I.B.4],
    • recommends the college's annual outcomes/goals and priorities for that year [I.B.1],
    • calls for quantitative and qualitative data and analysis to understand the college's previous year's progress toward the goals of the DVC Educational Master Plan and annual goals,
    • facilitates and supports the college's work toward achieving these expected annual outcomes/goals,
    • assesses accomplishment of its prioritized expected outcomes/goals [I.B.5].

  2. The college will have college-wide plans that are aligned with DVC's Educational Master Plan, mission and external mandates to support equitable student success. [I.A.3]

    College Council
    • provides oversight and monitors the development and review of all college plans and ensures an inclusive and transparent process for the review and development of all college plans,
    • monitors the alignment of all college plans with DVC's Educational Master Plan, mission statement and external mandates, [I.A.3]
    • reviews and makes recommendations on all college plans.

  3. The college has a budget that is aligned with the college's annual priorities and goals that support student success and institutional effectiveness [I.B.4] and allocates resources for maintenance of effort, institutional effectiveness and innovation aligned with these annual priorities and goals. [I.B.6, I.B.9]

    College Council
    • ensures all college resources are aligned with the college's annual priorities and long term goals and that the resource allocation process is transparent,
    • assesses resource allocation rankings recommended from Budget Committee and Program Review Committee and college-wide plans to ensure resources support the college's progress towards its annual priorities and Educational Master Plan goals, [I.B.9]
    • makes resource allocation recommendations to the college president.

  4. The college will have effective and current policies and procedures. [IV.A.2]

    College Council
    • establishes a process and timeline for the regular review of all DVC Procedures for effectiveness and currency. (Excludes academic and professional matters as defined in DVC Procedure 1009.01, Board Policy 1009, District Administrative Procedure 1009.01 and Title 5, Section 53200). [I.B.7]

  5. The college has governance roles clearly defined in policy that are designed to facilitate decisions that support student learning programs and improve institutional effectiveness. (IV.A.3)

    College Council
    • ensures there are governance policies and procedures, well defined transparent structures and roles for constituency participation and decision making aligned with expertise and responsibilities,
    • monitors these policies, transparent structures and roles to ensure they are regularly evaluated and communicated across the institution as the basis for improvement,
    • schedules on a regular basis both college-wide and operational committee reports to College Council.

Reporting Status: College President

College Council Membership

Membership on the College Council is composed of representative leaders from faculty, classified staff, and students, and leadership from the college’s core functional areas: instruction, student services and auxiliary services (e.g., business, facilities, technology). This structure is intended to assure that decisions by the College Council are based on well informed, timely and widely discussed input through the governance structure. Members of College Council, in their leadership roles in Academic Senate, Classified Senate and ASDVC, facilitate dialog with their respective constituencies. The Academic Senate and Classified Senate Vice Presidents are the College Council co-chairs.

Membership also includes co-chairs of the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee, the Program Review Committee, Budget Committee and Student Equity and Success Committee to insure that College Council decisions are data informed and college wide efforts are integrated to advance college goals.

Classified staff:

Classified Senate President
Classified Senate Vice-President (co-chair)


Academic Senate President
Academic Senate Vice-President (co-chair)


Vice President of Instruction
Vice President of Business and Administrative Services
Vice President of Student Services
Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and ALO


ASDVC President
ASDVC representative


Program Review Committee
Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee
Student Equity and Success Committee
Budget Committee

Note: At least one of the representatives from classified, faculty, or management will be from San Ramon Campus, on a rotating basis. In the event that none of the above members are filled by a San Ramon Campus individual, then SRC will recommend a permanent classified or full-time faculty to their constituency group (Academic Senate, Classified Senate) for approval. (What is the term length?) The term length is for one year with possibility of reappointment.

The DVC College President serves as a non-voting member.

Term of Membership: Based upon length of the membership position identified to serve on the council.