Information and Instructional Technology Committee


The Information and Instructional Technology Committee (Tech Committee) researches, prioritizes and recommends technology-centered outcomes that directly or indirectly impact equitable student success and the core values of DVC.

To accomplish this, the Tech Committee uses a data and research-based decision-making process to provide clear communications and recommendations on technology to faculty, staff, and governance bodies. Tech Committee's work encompasses the study and promotion of instructional and information technologies relevant to student services, institutional effectiveness, enrollment research, equitable access, and effective pedagogical practices in the classroom. The Tech Committee collaborates with the Information Technology and Services (IT&S) department to develop and implement campus policies, procedures and processes; creates annual action plans; and creates subcommittee task forces to focus on specific tasks or issues.

Reporting status: College Council

Objectives, Outcomes, and Activities

OBJECTIVE: To be a facilitator for IT innovation for the College.


  • Recommendations for effective technology use by faculty, Student Services, Classified Staff and Administration leading to equitable outcomes for all students.
  • Regularly seek input from faculty, Student Services, Classified Staff, and Administration on technology needs related to program improvement and innovation.
  • Regularly seek input on equitable access to technology and technology support.
  • Recommendations on innovative pedagogical trends and practices that utilize instructional technology.
  • Recommendations to governance bodies on high-impact practices for optimizing layout, design, and installation of instructional technology in the physical classroom.
  • Recommendations to College Council on technology-related innovations.
  • A resource to support implementation of approved technology-related innovations.

OBJECTIVE: To provide advice to the Program Review Committee in order to distinguish outcomes and processes regarding information and instructional technologies.


  • Guidelines for delineating innovation or program improvement from maintenance of effort regarding information and instructional technology.
  • A resource and channel of communication between faculty, Student Services, Classified Staff, and Administration on evolving needs related to innovation or program improvement versus maintenance of effort.

OBJECTIVE: To provide technical expertise to support existing College programs.


  • Report to College Council how technology-related services, funding, staffing levels, equipment, and other resources are advancing the College's strategic goals.
  • The Tech Committee advocates for the College's technology needs to District IT.
  • A Technology Master Plan that anticipates future needs, trends, and innovations and makes recommendations to the College in order to address ongoing innovation, program improvement, and maintenance of effort.
  • Recommendations to Professional Development (PD) on information and instructional technology-related trainings and activities.
  • Collaborates with PD on an annual orientation to IT at DVC for all employees.
  • Ensures that PD supports the understanding of IT policies, procedures, processes, and activities by all employees
  • San Ramon Campus integration into all technology planning and assessments.
  • Assist and advise in College effort to assure Section 508 (ADA) compliance.


Member Classification Department, Role or Location Term Limit
Administration IT&S Manager Continuous
Administration Dean, Library, ETLS Continuous
Faculty Unspecified 2 years
Faculty Unspecified 2 years
Faculty/Classified San Ramon Campus 2 years
Faculty/Classified/Administration DSS/Counseling 2 years
Faculty/Classified/Administration Student Services 2 years
Classified IT&S 2 years
Classified Non-IT&S 2 years
Optional: Classified Non-IT&S 2 years
Student ASDVC 1 year
District IT Representative District Office ex-officio, continuous


Term limits: 2 years with renewal up to 3 terms.

Chair structure: Co-chairs. Co-chairs may self-nominate; Selection is by majority vote. When: Last meeting of spring term (May);

Selection of membership: Appointment by Senates (Academic; Classified; and Associated Students) and/or President; When: Spring term for following academic year.

Recording of minutes: Dean's administrative assistant and/or members will rotate during academic year alphabetically based on last name for the recording of minutes.

Determination of a quorum: Simple majority of current members.

Decision-making (Action Items): All decisions will be based on Roberts Rules of Order, i.e. a Motion, a Second, Discussion, Approval or denial based on a simple majority.

Modifications to IITWG charge: Outcomes, membership, bylaws, and other aspects of TECH COMMITTEE may be modified with a majority vote and approval of College Council.

Attendance: All members are expected to regularly attend meetings; absences of 50 percent or more may result in removal from Working Group.

Meeting schedule/frequency: IITC meets twice a month during the academic year on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. The usual meeting time is from 2-3:30pm in L-218, but may be subject to change.

(Task forces may be formed and/or additional meeting times added to focus on time-sensitive projects, tasks, or decisions.)

This Revision Approved by College Council 9/7/2016

Information Technology Committee Description