May 2017

Governance at a Glance

In this issue:

Accreditation update

Chancellor Fred Wood, Chis Liu (President of the ASDVC), Ted Wieden (President of the College), Beth McBrien (President of the Academic Senate), and Rene Savage (Vice President of the Classified Senate)

On May 3, the College Council (CC) hosted a signing party for the Accreditation Mid-Term Report to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC).

The final report was signed by the Chis Liu (President of the ASDVC), Ted Wieden (President of the College), Beth McBrien (President of the Academic Senate), and Rene Savage (Vice President of the Classified Senate). Chancellor Fred Wood was also in attendance. The report will go before the Governing Board in June before submission to the ACCJC.

Educational Master Plan (EMP) Steering Committee

The EMP draft outline is making its way through the governance process for review, feedback and endorsement. The draft outline includes a vision for the future based upon the following principles:

    • DVC is a champion for students.
    • DVC uses an equity framework to ensure equitable student success.
    • DVC is adaptive and responsive to ensure relevance and impact in an ever-changing environment.
    • DVC ensures it is ready for students, versus only expecting students to be ready for college.

In addition, the draft plan:

        • summarizes theories to improve learning and equitable student success as students proceed through a pathway to complete their academic and career goals,
        • identifies the conditions for institutional change,
        • establishes goals and metrics to evaluate the college’s progress.

The EMP Steering Committee is requesting endorsement from governance committees to establish a steering committee workgroup that can continue to edit and expand the draft outline over the summer in order to meet the fall deadline for college approval of the plan and submission of it to the Governing Board.

A big shout out to the EMP Steering Committee for developing a draft plan in one term!

Governance Committee and Council Reports

Governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community and all are encouraged to attend. For up-to-date information on governance and the various documents, please visit our governance website.

Bookmark our governance meeting calendar to always keep up with what is going on in college governance.

College Council (CC)

During the spring term, CC continued discussions on the progress of the Educational Master Plan and the rollout of the plan's draft outline to constituency groups.

CC hosted an all-college Guided Pathways Summit, endorsed the CSSE survey report from RPEC, drafted the first iteration of a new resource allocation procedure, and approved the ACCJC Midterm Report.

CC will discuss next steps for the Educational Master Plan at its final spring meeting on May 17.

For more information, please visit the College Council website.

Current Chairs: John Freytag (faculty) and Renee Savage (classified)

Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee (RPEC)

Most recently, the RPEC examined data and reports on:

        • DVC student food and housing insecurity
        • DVC student transfer rates
        • DVC institutional goals
        • Guided Pathways

Some RPEC members are not returning to the committee next year. Faculty and Classified Staff interested in joining RPEC can contact their senate presidents to inquire about appointment to this committee.

For more information, please visit the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee website.

Current Chairs: Laurie Lema (management), Catherine Machalinski (faculty)

Program Review Committee (PRC)

The PRC has just begun to read the 2016-17 program reviews. They are looking forward to incorporating knowledge from the technology committee, as they continue to refine their process and templates.

For more information, please visit the Program Review Committee website.

Current co-chairs: Laura Cremin (staff), Obed Vazquez (management)

Budget Committee (BC)

BC continues to discuss phase three (equitability of budgets).

To gain better transparency to inform the campus community about resource allocations, BC is proposing the use of additional object codes.

Printer cost efficiency continues to be discussed and a pilot project is underway for making supply purchases through the bookstore.

For more information, please visit the Budget Committee website.

Current co-chairs: John Nahlen (management); Laura Burns (faculty)

Academic Senate (AS)

AS has recently been participating in multiple college-wide conversations regarding: the Educational Master Plan, Professional Development, and institutional goal setting.

AS recently co-hosted the second annual tri-college AS meeting at the district office, where representatives from DVC, LMC, and CCC discussed academic and professional matters related to Strong Workforce and CTE faculty, and reviewed equivalency procedures for hiring faculty across the district.

AS committees continue their hard work on: curriculum, Distance Education, SLO's, scheduling, Student Services, scholarships, tutoring, and professional development.

A shout out to the coordinators, chairs, and committee members for all they do for our students!

For more information, please visit the Academic Senate website.

Current leadership: Beth McBrien, president; John Freytag, vice-president

Classified Senate (CS)

CS welcomed Chancellor Wood to their meeting on May 3.

In addition CS:

        • supported a student-led food drive on campus April 10 through May 10,
        • will send two staff members to the Classified Leadership Institute this summer in Tahoe,
        • will once again support students during finals week by distributing scantrons, pencils, blue books and more,
        • is planning to fill the CS vice president role beginning fall 2017.

For more information, please visit the Classified Senate website.

Current leadership: Marisa Greenberg, president; Renee Savage, vice president

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please visit the links to each committee above.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, can access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the public website.