governance at a glance

November 2012

With Prop 30’s win in the November elections, the work of our governance committees has come into a little more focus.

Please remember that all governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community; you are always invited to attend.

What is in this issue:

Budget Committee (BC)
Institutional Planning Council (IPC)
Integration Council (IC)
College Council (CC)

Budget Committee (BC)

Now that the election results are in, BC has also begun preparing for the annual budget plan. The committee will prepare a recommendation about use of funds towards an allocation process this year. They received the IC’s summary and resource recommendations based on last year’s program reviews.

The BC has finalized a draft of changes to its committee membership and charge. At the request of CC they are now working on a revision of DVC Procedure 5018.01 Budget Allocation Process. The committee recognizes this is an “academic and professional matter” item with final consultation between the college president and the faculty senate.
Current chairs: Ray Goralka (faculty), second chair Michael Almaguer (management)

Institutional Planning Council (IPC)

The IPC Strategic Planning Task Force has spent the last month conducting 15 focus groups with over 130 participants, and their consultant has conducted 21 interviews with individuals across the college as the first step in developing a new strategic plan. This work will be followed by an all campus survey, additional focus groups, and a survey directed towards our students. The results of this semester work will be presented in a Flex activity scheduled for January 10, 9-12. In addition they have been focused on next steps for Strategic Planning.

The IPC has also been working this semester to update its charge in collaboration with the CC.
Current Chairs: Tish Young (management) co-chair position is open

Integration Council (IC)

The IC has completed review and approval of the “2011-12 Integration Council Annual Report of Activities”, which included recommendations for 2012-13 resource allocations. The report has been delivered to BC and CC for their review. The IC will turn its attention to a review and analysis of the qualitative aspects of Program Review with the goal of informing the development of goals and objectives of the college-wide Strategic Plan.

Council members will also participate in contributing to Program Review continuous improvement efforts.
Current Chairs: Beth McBrien (faculty) and Kim Schenk (management)

College Council (CC)

Working toward their goal of improving the structure of governance committees, CC discussed and analyzed the current college committee structure. This included review and refinement of definitions, purpose, and reporting status, and in general, what it means to be a committee, a council, a task force, and a workgroup.

Resulting from these discussions, and in consultation with the respective committee co-chairs, CC dissolved the Facilities and Safety Committees, with the associated functions to be performed by workgroups. Because the governance structure is relatively new and under continuous improvement, CC recognizes that this process of committee review will be on-going.

CC also convened regular (monthly) meetings between the governance committee co-chairs as a step toward meeting their goal of facilitating effective communication and collaboration between governance committees.

And as part of their ongoing work, CC will review the IC and BC recommendations for the Resource Allocation Process (RAP) to inform final recommendations to the College President.
Current Chairs: Rachel Westlake (management) and Nancy Deason (faculty)

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please see the College Committee Handbook.

A revised Organizational Chart of our changing college structure has been posted on the website.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, to access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the Insite portal. Follow links above or log on to the portal, click on the committee tab, and scroll down to the list of DVC committees.