governance at a glance

Progress and Decisions – September 2013

Our governance groups worked extremely hard last spring, many completing annual reports and other year-end activities.

What is in this issue:

Accreditation self-evaluation
Strategic planning
Governance committee and council reports:
College Council (CC)
Integration Council (IC)
Budget Committee (BC)
Institutional Planning Council (IPC)

Accreditation self-evaluation

Every six years, DVC comprehensively evaluates itself and reports to the Accrediting Commission on Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) on our findings. This report was previously called the “self-study” and is now called the “self evaluation” report. Our next report is due in spring 2014 and representatives of the ACCJC will visit our campus in fall 2014. With cooperation from the Faculty Senate, the Classified Senate, students, and the Management team, committees have been formed to evaluate the college according to each of the Standards of accreditation. Each committee is currently drafting sections of the overall self evaluation report.

The college community is invited to participate in two all-campus dialogue meetings this fall to discuss the process of and the preliminary findings of the self evaluation. We will meet at 3 pm on Wednesday, November 13 and 3 pm on Wednesday, December 11 in the Trophy Room. More dialogue sessions will be schedule for spring.

Self-evaluation timeline

September 25, 2013

All report writers dialogue session with AAG, Trophy Room 3 pm

October 31, 2013

Working draft completion recommended for committees

November 13, 2013

All college dialogue session, Trophy Room 3 pm

December 11, 2013

All college dialogue session, Trophy Room 3 pm

December 13, 2013

Second draft with evidence due

Spring Flex, date TBA

College wide meeting and discussion of findings

January-February 2014

College wide reading and revisions on second draft

February 28, 2014

Completed and compiled final document ready for college community

March, 2014

College wide reading and revisions on final draft

April-May, 2014

Document to constituencies

June-July, 2014

Document to Governing Board

August, 2014

Report submission to ACCJC

Fall, 2014

Visiting team to campus

Other accreditation reports

This fall, the college is submitting a substantive change report to the ACCJC, to be evaluated at their November 14 meeting. This report informs the ACCJC of DVC’s instructional programs that can now offer over 50 percent of their courses through distance education. We submitted a similar report in 2011, so the new report updates the ACCJC on those programs that have reached the 50 percent threshold since the previous report.

Strategic planning

The constituency-represented strategic planning group continues to share the following text throughout the governance bodies to stimulate dialog:

Strategic directive – Diablo Valley College will improve student success

Goal 1: The college will foster excellence by integrating best practices in academic programs and student support services.

Goal 2: The college will align its governance, operational and planning processes to ensure institutional effectiveness..

Goal 3: The college will effectively direct and augment its resources to increase student learning and success.

Goal 4: The college will develop and implement a human resources plan to maximize employee expertise to support the institution’s commitment to excellence and equity.

Governance committee and council reports

All governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community; you are always invited to attend.

College Council (CC)

The fall 2013 goals and activities for the CC are: to review self-evaluations from governance and college wide committees, review the 2006-11 DVC Strategic Plan Close-out report, and work with other governance committees to finalize the resource allocation calendar for 2013-15.

The council continues to encourage greater participation and engagement with the DVC campus community. Some council constituency memberships are open so there is an opportunity for more to get involved. Even non-members from the campus community are encouraged to attend CC meetings.
Current Chairs: Stacey Shears (management) and Melody Phillips (classified)
Meetings are: Mondays, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 25, and Dec 9, 2-4 p.m. in the BFL Community Conference Center

Integration Council (IC)

The IC met in late August for a four hour retreat to review the history and charge of the council. Former co-chairs Sue Handy, Keith Mikolavich, Andy Barlow, and Kim Schenk, as well as current co-chairs Marina Crouse and Beth McBrien reaffirmed the council’s function. IC is a place to have college wide dialogue about college programs, in addition to where a critical part of the ranking and prioritizing of Program Review (PR) requests is performed. Discussions also focused on the process of how to begin aligning PR with strategic planning, how to include innovation as part of PR, and how to continue improving as the college moves forward into future PR cycles.
Current Chairs: Beth McBrien (faculty) and Marina Crouse (faculty)
Meetings are: Fridays, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, and Dec 13, 10 am - 12 pm in the BFL Community Conference Center

Budget Committee (BC)

The BC is currently working on developing the college annual budget plan for resource allocation and reviewing recommendations and fiscal options related to on-going funding needs. BC is currently integrating Strategic Directions into the budget plan and recommendations while also re-visiting data and recommendation options of Phase 3 DVC procedure 5018.01 related to operating budgets of college units. Finally, the BC is working on filling its fall committee membership vacancies, and assisting with the accreditation standard III-D report as needed by that committee.

BC faces the ongoing challenge of developing a budget plan based on state/district mandates and yearly financial variables while also keeping a close watch on the college FTES enrollment projections, goals and variables.
Current chairs: Michael Almaguer (management), second chair, Katrina Keating (faculty)
Meetings are: Fridays, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, and Dec 13, 9 – 11 am in the Media Conference Room (L-151)

Institutional Planning Council (IPC)

The IPC is working on developing a calendar and ongoing schedule for college wide plans to be broadly reviewed as well as a method to assess the progress of established college plans. IPC will work with those college committees currently writing plan updates to ensure alignment with the Strategic Plan and the IPC planning template.

Because IPC is working on the development of a new approach to planning on campus, they face the challenge of designing new ways to schedule planning, to validate new plans, and to assess existing plans.

IPC strives to be collaborative as they improve the integration of planning into DVC’s governance structure.
Current Chairs: Tish Young (management) co-chair Mauricio Najarro (faculty)
Meetings are Wednesdays, Sept. 25, Oct. 9, Oct. 23, Nov. 13, Nov. 27 and Dec. 11, 2 – 4 pm in the BFL Community Conference Center

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please see the College Committee Handbook.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, to access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the Insite portal. Follow links above or log on to the portal, click on the committee tab, and scroll down to the list of DVC committees.