September 2017

Governance at a Glance

In this issue:

Educational Master Plan (EMP) Steering Committee

After nine months of concerted effort by the EMP Steering Committee, a draft of the plan is now being circulated through the governance bodies for review. The draft has also been distributed to all employees for review and comment.

The new plan articulates high level goals for the college, which will influence the direction of the college for years to come.

Please take the time to read the document and submit your comments through the EMP survey and your governance representative.

Please respond by September 29.

Governance Committee and Council Reports

Governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community and all are encouraged to attend. For up-to-date information on governance and the various documents, please visit our governance website.

Bookmark our governance meeting calendar to always keep up with what is going on in college governance.

College Council (CC)

At its most recent meeting College Council voted to form a Guided Pathways Steering Team (GPS Team). This will be a large group that includes students, faculty, staff, and managers. The group will meet every other Friday afternoon and guide the work of the college in the implementation of the Guided Pathways Model for equitable student success. Smaller workgroups will require additional meeting time.

CC accepted the draft of the Educational Master Plan and has sent it out for discussion within our governance structure.

CC is also working on revisions to the DVC Committee Handbook and Resource Allocation Procedure.

Priorities for 2017-2018 are:

  1. Finalize and approve the Educational Master Plan (EMP)

  2. After RPEC closes out the Strategic Plan, CC will work on aligning the Strategic Plan around the EMP and guided pathways<
  3. Align committee work to support guided pathways and equity
  4. Finalize and approve the new budget allocation procedure by November 1.
    • Needs to include methods for requests for innovation initiative funding which is designed to support college priorities
    • Needs to include an evaluation process for outcomes of innovation initiative funding
    • Create a workgroup to discuss the program review and the budget allocation process
  5. Continue updates to the college Procedures Manual, specifically the 3000s and 4000s.

For more information, please visit the College Council website.

Current Chairs: John Freytag (faculty) and Jessica Martin (classified)

Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee (RPEC)

RPEC is working with the marketing department to develop a Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness web page designed to provide a comprehensive site for college information including Reports and Plans, Research, and District, College and Program Data.

When RPEC is satisfied with the proposed site organization, the marketing department will send out an email inviting employees to test out the navigational structure of these pages. Responses will help ensure that these web pages are easy to navigate and the information listed is readily accessible. Please take the time to participate.

For more information, please visit the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee website.

Current Chairs: Laurie Lema (management), Catherine Machalinski (faculty)

Program Review Committee (PRC)

The PRC is reviewing the templates used for program review reporting in its efforts for continuing improvement and working on updating the DVC policies describing the work of the committee.

In a recent meeting, Raymond Martin, program assistant in counseling, was elected to co-chair the committee this year.

For more information, please visit the Program Review Committee website.

Current co-chairs: Raymond Martin (classified), Obed Vazquez (management)

Budget Committee (BC)

BC met with the district CFO to discuss the history of budgeted reserves for DVC, LMC, CCC and the district combined. One of the committee charges is to recommend an appropriate reserve level to the college president for each budget cycle.

The committee continues to discuss phase 3 implementation. The committee is currently reviewing potential cost savings/operational efficiency ideas which include centralized purchase of supplies through the college Book Center and implementing an integrated copier/printer solution in lieu of personal printers.

Additionally the committee is discussing centralized staff development funding and potential recommendations regarding the serving of food on campus and a new resource allocation process.

For more information, please visit the Budget Committee Website.

Current co-chairs: John Nahlen (management); Laura Burns (faculty)

Academic Senate Council (ASC)

The ASC has approved the proposed formation of the Guided Pathways Steering Team (GPS) by the CC. This group will be working on the planning and implementation of Guided Pathways at DVC, and several Senate council members are participating in the group.

The ASC is also working on:

  • discussions with UF leadership to share information and feedback regarding the UF survey and the proposed intersession under the compressed calendar;
  • reviewing the schedule blocks for the fall 2018 compressed calendar;
  • reviewing the integrated 3SP, Equity, and Developmental Ed Plan for endorsement and approval.

For more information, please visit the Academic Senate Website.

Current leadership: Beth McBrien, president; John Freytag, vice-president

Classified Senate (CS)

CS has a new vice-president. Congratulations to Jessica Martin, who will serve for the 2017-18 year.

This year, CS is focused on revising their bylaws and constitution in hopes of allowing more participation from all classified staff.

CS is striving to increase attendance at Senate and committee meetings and also becoming more involved with campus activities throughout the term.

For more information, please visit the Classified Senate website.

Current leadership: Marisa Greenberg, president; Jessica Martin, vice president

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please visit the links to each committee above.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, can access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the public website.