
Check back here regularly for new announcements for DVC's web contributor community.

July 23, 2024

Modern Campus publish dialog box.Content migration underway - we need your help!

First, if your updates are not mission critical for the fall 2024 term, please hold off on editing your pages.

If you do have mission critical updates for fall 2024, we will need to keep track of updates made by contributors. In order to prevent missed updates to pages that have already been migrated, we are asking contributors to please be very specific in the revision description field (see image at right) about your updates.

August 8 pause

As we get closer to the October launch of our new website, we will be pausing updates to our current website starting August 8. This pause is crucial to ensuring that our team can focus entirely on the rebuild without the complexities of continuously integrating new updates. It will help us avoid potential conflicts and ensure a more efficient and effective rollout of the new site.

After August 8, colleagues will still be able to submit the following two types of content for inclusion on the current website:

Thank you for your support and collaboration as we work towards creating a better online experience for everyone.