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Lindsey Shively

Department Chair, Library

Lindsey Shively is the Public Services Librarian and department chair at Diablo Valley College (DVC) Library, where she focuses on creating inclusive library spaces and services that foster equity and belonging for all students. With over ten years of experience in academic librarianship, Lindsey has spearheaded transformative projects to enhance library resources, align services with the college's mission, and better support student success.
In addition to her library leadership, Lindsey leads DVC’s Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) workgroup, driving the elimination of high-cost commercial textbooks on campus and across the Contra Costa Community College District. She has coordinated over $2.1 million in faculty grant funding for OER/ZTC course conversions, resulting in an impressive $7 million in annual cost savings for DVC students. The OER/ZTC team has developed robust faculty professional development, expanded campus-wide awareness, and strengthened open pedagogy at DVC. In recognition of this work, Lindsey and the OER@DVC team were awarded the 2024-2025 Exemplary Program Award from the Board of Governors for California Community Colleges.
Lindsey holds a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. Passionate about racial and economic justice, she champions initiatives that empower students, remove barriers, and strengthen the DVC community.


Lindsey Shively (she/her) Department Chair, Library

Pleasant Hill Library (L) 202