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Raquel Garcia

Department Chair, World Language & Cultures

Dr. Raquel García is a Spanish Professor and current Chair of the World Languages and Cultures Department (WLC) at Diablo Valley College, where she teaches all levels of Spanish courses and presides over the department supporting both students and faculty in their academic and professional growth.

With over 15 years of teaching experience, Dr. García has taught Spanish language at a private school (K-12). She taught Spanish language, literature, and culture at four-year universities such as UC Davis and UC Merced. Additionally, she has also taught at other community colleges including Cuesta College and Sacramento Community College. The community college environment strongly resonates with her as she attended American River College as an undergraduate and transferred to UC Davis where she completed her studies and earned her bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Besides administrating the WLC Department, Dr. García is currently active in the Academic Senate, HSI Grant Development Task Force, and C.L.A.S.E (Chicana/o/x-Latina/o/x Association of Students and Employees). Also, she mentors students in the UMOJA and Puente learning communities. Dr. García also collaborates with colleagues from the English and Political Science Departments to develop a summer Study Away program in Mexico; it is one that encourages interdisciplinary pedagogy abroad. Her involvement and contribution to these committees and projects reflect her passion for faculty support, student advocacy and equity, and culturally focused and experiential education.

These educational passions are just an extension of other interests and hobbies that include, but are not limited to, going out to dance música latina with friends, traveling as a “foodie” and doing food excursions in various destinations. She also enjoys attending live performances, exercising, gardening, and spending quality time with family and friends. Most importantly, she loves to walk and spend “couch time” with her white English bulldog, La Guapa García!


Raquel Garcia Department Chair, World Language & Cultures

Pleasant Hill BWL 230