If you're an employer, you'll want to connect with trained and job-ready DVC students to fill your internships and job opportunities!
DVC prioritizes the development of lucrative and meaningful relationships with local employers. We understand that our students are your future employees and leaders in your industry. Whether you are starting an internship program or recruiting for open positions, DVC has students who would love to connect with you.
Throughout the year, you can post your opportunities with our online job board. You can also meet with students for interviews on-site here at DVC or at your location, and you can also participate in our annual spring job fair.
Employer Services

Donate to the DVC Career Closet
If you have clothing that our students might like for job interviews or the work environment, please consider donating them to the DVC Career Closet. Your donations are tax-deductible, and would be much appreciated by our students as they are transition from school to work. For more information, visit Donate to the DVC Career Closet or email careertransfer@dvc.edu to schedule your donation drop-off.
Donate to the DVC Career Closet