Title IX is a federal law (Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, Title 20, U.S. Code, Chapter 38, Sections 1681 – 1686) prohibiting discrimination in educational institutions receiving federal financial assistance, in the college's programs or activities, employment, academic, educational, extracurricular and athletic activities (both on and off campus) on the basis of sex.
The law states that "no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." The amendment in 1987 expanded the definition of program or activity to include all the operations of an educational institution, governmental entity or private employer that receives federal funds.
Although Title IX is primarily known for advancing equity in women's sports, it provides federal civil rights that forbid sex discrimination in all college student services and academic programs, including but not limited to: admissions, financial aid, counseling and career guidance, athletics, other support services, courses, grading, discipline, employment and training for employment. Title IX protections apply to all members of the campus community, individuals using the college facilities and individuals doing business with the college.
Title IX protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion. Title IX requires institutions to take necessary steps to prevent sexual assault on their campuses and to respond promptly and effectively when an assault is reported.
To ensure an effective and timely response to complaints of sexual violence, discrimination or harassment, all educational institutions are required to designate a Title IX coordinator. The Diablo Valley College Title IX Coordinator is:
Vicki Ferguson, Vice President of Equity and Student Services/Title IX Coordinator
Location: Administration Building, 207
The Keenan SafeColleges Training platform is an interactive online program designed to prevent sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking, while helping the campus meet SaVE Act and Title IX education mandates. The following courses are recommended for students:
Sexual discrimination, harassment, assault, misconduct or violence can take many forms, including any sexual conduct that lacks mutual consent. Harassment may take the form of stalking or the distribution, display or discussion of any written, graphic, visual or auditory material that is sexual in nature and has the intent and effect of threatening, intimidating or interfering with a person's ability to study or work. Any such behaviors of this nature should be reported immediately.
While it is understood that sexual discrimination, harassment, assault, misconduct or violence may be difficult to report, immediate reporting allows for the best possible means of supporting the victim and to investigate and address the claims.
Retaliation against anyone who reports or participates in the investigative process is prohibited and may be subject to sanctions, as determined by the college.
If you have been raped or sexually assaulted or if you are in danger, call 911 and/or the Diablo Valley College Police immediately, at 925-969-3000.
Complaints of sexual discrimination, misconduct or harassment should be filed with the college Title IX Coordinator:
Please visit the office of the Vice President of Equity and Student Services page.
Complaint Procedure: Students have the right to file a formal unlawful discrimination complaint. The Vice President of Student Services will provide students with the District complaint form and forward the completed form to the District Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the District will immediately notify the State Chancellor's Office. Within 10 calendar days of receipt, the District will commence an investigation of the complaint and notify the complainant. The District has 90 calendar days in which to investigate the complaint and report the administrative findings to the complainant and the State Chancellor's Office. The complainant may appeal the administrative determination to the District Governing Board within 15 calendar days of notice of such determination. The District Governing Board has 45 calendar days in which to act on the appeal.