Cheryll LeMay


Cheryll LeMay

Cheryll LeMay, DVC Counseling Department chair, received the 2012 Distinguished Service Award from the Contra Costa Council, the region’s premier business advocacy organization. The award pays tribute to LeMay for her long service to the Council and her passion for education. It was presented in June at the Council’s annual awards dinner. 

A member of the Contra Costa Council for 12 years, LeMay was the first person from education to be elected Chair of the Board of Directors, a position she held from 2009-2010. She also served as co-chair of the Education/Workforce Preparation Task Force, vice president for task forces, and chair elect. In her work with the education task force she made a difference in the lives of many young people through her guidance and inspiration. 

The Contra Costa Council is a private sector, public policy organization with a membership that includes business, government, education and labor. Its mission is to provide advocacy on public policy issues affecting the economic vitality and quality of life in Contra Costa County and the region.

LeMay has been with the Contra Costa Community College District for 24 years, having first been hired as the assessment services manager at DVC in 1989. She has also served as Dean of the San Ramon Campus and the Dean of Enrollment Services at DVC, in addition to her current role in the Counseling Department. 

“I was surprised and tremendously honored” by this award, LeMay said. “In addition to the beautiful crystal award I was given, I also received congressional commendations from John Garamendi and George Miller, as well as from the Contra Costa County state legislative delegation.”