October 18, 2021:  Select one Ally gauge and learn about fixing strategies

Accessibility Goal of the Week

In last week’s goal, we scanned one module in our course for red or orange Ally gauges and filled in the first three columns on the Ally Gauge Inventory.  This week, our goal is to use the information we gleaned from our module scan and begin addressing how to fix one Ally alert.  

  1. Select one item listed on your Ally Gauge Inventory.  Any red gauges should be addressed first as they are considered critical errors.
  2. Note the “Ally alert text” for that one item. 
  3. Open Where Do I Begin With Accessibility?.  Under “Step 1: Check your Ally gauges”, scroll to locate the same alert text you noted in your inventory under the appropriate file type heading.
  4. Click on the corresponding links for support.  Note: Access to some links require self-enrolling in the Online Accessibility at DVC Canvas course. Once you’ve enrolled, it will appear in your Canvas dashboard. Self-enroll in the Course.
  5. Read about how to fix the error.  Just focus on learning how to fix the error for now.  We will tackle making the fixes for this one file next week. 

Here is a video demonstrating the steps above:

Accessibility LogoTasks completed?  Congratulate yourself on reaching this week's goal.  Your efforts matter!

Want some support as you work towards your goal?  Accessibility Ambassadors are ready to help in the Digital Learning Lab on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00 am and Fridays from 3:00-4:00 pm, or reach out to an Ambassador via the directory

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