The Communication Committee is an operational committee that works to improve all
aspects of communications at Diablo Valley College. This committee values and is responsible
for the development of an inclusive process which allows for broad involvement by
those impacted by the committee’s work. This process will ensure that both those who
craft and those who receive communications will have opportunities to provide input.
There will be periodic evaluations of progress to improve internal and external communications.
The committee will focus on the following audiences:
Internal communication with employees: The goal is to ensure that important decisions,
events and activities within the college are described in plain language to all employees,
and that employees are able to communicate to the administration with feedback. Communication
may be verbal, in print, or on the website.
Internal communication with existing students: The goal is to use student centered
plain language, common terms, and consistent brand messaging to communicate with current
students throughout the stages of the student experience. Communication may be verbal,
in print, or on the website.
External communication with potential students: The goal is to use plain language,
common terms, and consistent brand messaging on the website, in printed marketing
materials, and in outreach activities (including verbal messages) to ensure a coordinated
communication strategy to our potential students.
External communication with community partners and the community at large: The goal
is to use plain language, common terms, and consistent messaging on the website, in
marketing and public relations materials and in verbal presentations to promote DVC’s
role in the community.
Committee Charge
The Communication Committee will:
hold broad conversations to develop common terminology, a clear definition of student
centered plain language, and ideal communication strategies for each audience above,
draft policies, standards, and practice guidelines for orderly and effective communication
with each audience above, based on broad conversations throughout campus,
develop a communication plan that addresses all the above audiences, allows for two-way
communication with each group, and establishes a master calendar (timeline) of communications
to each audience,
after the plan has been established, periodically survey employees, students and the
community to assess the effectiveness of the plan and recommend improvements,
provide professional development opportunities for all those who communicate broadly
with any of the identified audiences, to ensure communications are written in student
centered plain language using consistent terminology and including current branding
and messaging,
clarifies college and district roles and responsibilities with communications for
the four identified audiences listed above.
Reporting Structure
The Communication Committee reports to College Council. The committee provides regular
updates and makes recommendations to College Council on implementation of college
wide communication issues.
Marketing Director
Senior Dean of Career and Community Partnerships
Outreach Manager
Dean of Student Engagement
Recruitment and Retention Representative
Sr. Web Administrator
2 Faculty
2 Classified Staff
2 Students
San Ramon Representative
Recommended: Marketing Director, one faculty and one classified staff Tri-Chairs
The committee will initially meet monthly (or more frequently if required) on an ongoing