March 2017

governance at a glance

In this issue:

Educational Master Plan update

An Education Master Plan Steering Committee began work on a revised Education Master Plan in spring 2017. The committee is comprised of twenty people from a variety of positions across the campus. 

The revised plan is being designed around the student experience from their first connection with the college to when they leave, with the overarching goal of improving student success at every stage of their experience. 

The plan will present 5-10 year goals and metrics that will be used to guide the allocation of college resources. The revised plan will be widely vetted this spring as it moves to finalization, including at an open forum April 19 at 2 p.m. in the Diablo Room. 

Guided Pathways update

Guided Pathways is an educational movement that has been taking place across the country for several years. Research indicates that this approach has positive impacts on the ability of students to achieve their academic goals – with increasing equity. 

Discussions have occurred across the DVC campuses over the last several months about creating Guided Pathways for our students. See the meetings where these conversations took place.

A Guided Pathways model is an integrated, institution-wide approach to student success that is designed to assist students in exploring educational options and then providing guidance for them as they move down the path they choose.

Please join us at an all college Guided Pathways Summit, March 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Diablo Room to learn more.

register here for the event. 

Governance Committee and Council Reports

Governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community and all are encouraged to attend. For up-to-date information on governance and the various documents, please visit ourgovernance website.

Bookmark our governance meeting calendar to always keep up with what is going on in college governance.

College Council (CC)

  • In February CC heard updates and discussed the Educational Master Plan, Guided Pathways application, and College Vision Statement writing processes. 

  • CC continues to explore actions to support students and employees in alignment with Governing Board Resolution S-1. CC hosted the term's first Open Forum on February 22 to discuss college commitments regarding Resolution S-1, and most importantly, to identify actions and resources to carry out the work.
  • CC tasked the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee (RPEC) to draft a report on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and has since received and reviewed RPEC's report.
  • At upcoming meetings, CC will work on the integration of DVC's Resource Allocation and Planning Processes and discuss the governance relationships between college constituent and leadership groups.

For more information, please visit the College Council website.

Current Chairs: John Freytag (faculty) and Renee Savage (classified)

Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee (RPEC)

The 2016 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) key findings were released to the college.


The CCSSE survey provides colleges with data to look at their institution’s performance and see how it compares nationally. In addition,15 custom survey items focused on student perceptions of their specific college experience (at both PHC and SRC) including student services and information dissemination.


RPEC reviewed the CCSSE survey along with custom results and submitted a report to CC that includes the following:

  • Key findings from CCSSE
  • RPEC’s summary of the survey findings in context of the DVC Strategic Plan and other relevant documents
  • RPEC’s summary of the custom survey results
  • RPEC’s recommendations for the college to consider in each of these areas based on analysis of the documents

For more information, please visit the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee website
Current Chairs: Laurie Lema (management), Catherine Machalinski (faculty)

Program Review Committee (PRC)

The PRC has just begun to read the 2016-17 program reviews. They are looking forward to incorporating knowledge from the technology committee, as they continue to refine their process and templates.

For more information, please visit the Program Review Committee website

Current co-chairs: Laura Cremin (staff), Obed Vazquez (management)

Budget Committee (BC)

The BC continues to discuss phase three implementation: effective use and allocation/reallocation college operating funds.

Currently BC is focused on:

  • guidelines to create better budgetary transparency,
  • printing/copier efficiency,
  • ideas to better use college resources such as bulk purchasing. 

 A six-year computer replacement cycle was established in 2013-14 and money has been set aside annually since that time to support this cycle. The accuracy of the dollar amount was recently verified.

For more information, please visit the Budget Committee Website

Current co-chairs: John Nahlen (management); Laura Burns (faculty)

Classified Senate

CS has been working with Academic Senate and CC on the Educational Master Plan, Vision Statement, and evaluation of the CSSEE Survey results. CS accepted applications for the annual Classified Leadership Institute are being held this summer and will be selecting participants soon!

This year JobLinks will be held June 2 at CCC. 

For more information, please visit the Classified Senate website

Current leadership: Marisa Greenberg, president; Renee Savage, vice president

Pathways conversations: (see "Guided pathways" above)

Management Council 1/25 (40)

Student Services Managers 1/26 (10)

Curriculum Committee 1/30 (10)

Academic Senate 1/31 (20)

Classified Senate 2/1 (30)

AS Student Services Committee 2/2 (8)

Deans and Dept. Chairs 2/3 (30)

Counseling Department 2/7 (20)

AFA Division Council 2/13 (10)

Soc Science Division Council 2/14 (6)

English Department 2/15 (20)

San Ramon Campus 2/16 (25)

Kinesiology Department  2/23 (10)

Bio and Physical Science Div Council 3/3 (12)

Business Division 3/3 (15)

Math Division 3/6 (20)

Library Department 3/7 (10)

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please visit the links to each committee above.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, can access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the public website.