May 2016

governance at a glance

In this issue:


DVC officially meets all of the accreditation standards

The College received good news from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) in February 2016 that all recommendations from the 2014 Self-Evaluation Report have been resolved. In fall 2020, DVC’s next Self-Evaluation Report is due and it will be followed by a team visit. The college submitted its Annual Report and the Annual Fiscal Report in March 2016. The college is currently notifying the ACCJC of new degrees and certificates we offer.

Planning for future accreditation reports has already begun. The Accreditation Advisory Group reconvened in April to discuss work to be done over the next academic year to complete the next Mid-Term Report due fall 2017.

Strategic Plan Implementation Workgroup

The Strategic Plan Implementation Work Group continues work on clarifying a college-wide process for supporting innovation and program improvement, as well as a resource allocation process aligned with it. Once completed, the process will be recommended to the College Council.

The group is also supporting the institution-wide understanding and commitment to equity by:

  • helping facilitate the College Council Open Forum on Equity (May 11)
  • supporting professional development opportunities for faculty to do equity work in their classes
  • work with the Academic Senate to survey classroom activities

Accomplishments this term included:

  • the college governance approval of the Measure “E” Program Plan for DVC
  • the Enrollment Management Report presented and discussed at the College Council Open Forum in February

The focus of future work will be to support CC’s need for a State of the College Report, which will be an attempt to summarize the college in relationship to the Strategic Plan, and define priorities for next year’s implementation work. This work will also support updating DVC’s Educational Master Plan.

Governance Committee and Council Reports

Governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community and all are encouraged to attend. For up-to-date information on governance and the various documents, please visit our new governance website.

Bookmark our governance meeting calendarto always keep up with what is going on in college governance.

College Council (CC)

The CC is finishing up its first year under the new structure and will be focusing on establishing goals including inclusion and equity early in fall 2016. One of the year’s highlights was the series of open forums that allowed for open and transparent dialog across campus on issues including enrollment management, Measure E, and equity.

For more information, please visit the College Council website.

Current Chairs: John Freytag (faculty) and Lesley Agostino (classified)

Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee (RPEC)

RPEC has continued work on:

  • increasing the use of data for college decision-making
  • promoting a culture of inquiry

RPEC also:

  • investigated research dashboards for possible use
  • researched meta-majors for possible implementation
  • developed additional survey questions for the CCSSE
  • responded to a request from the Academic Senate Council to evaluate and make a recommendation on Institutional Effectiveness Goals for AY 2016-17
  • supported initiatives including the First Year Experience, Tutoring Advisory Committee, and the Kinesiology Division’s Athlete Success Team

The group has discovered that many student-focused activities are occurring on the DVC campus at any given time, and many of have never been evaluated.

For more information, please visit the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee website.

Current Chairs: Ted Wieden (management), Catherine Machalinski (faculty)

Program Review Committee (PRC)

The PRC has finished evaluating requests from over 40 program reviews, and compiled themes that arose across them. Next, the committee will follow-up on suggestions to improve processes, templates, and training sessions. This will prepare PRC for a fresh cycle in fall 2016.

For more information, please visit the Program Review Committee website.

Current co-chairs Laura Cremin (staff), Obed Vazquez (management).

Budget Committee (BC)

The BC continues to redefine itself while working on the review and analysis of current operating budget allocations for all college units. The college has begun studying the Biology and Kinesiology departments in a pilot of more in-depth analysis of unit operating budgets.

The BC is also discussing possible ways of centralizing some college purchases to increase cost savings to the college.

The BC is working on the 2015-16 annual budget plan. The committee is also discussing possible ways of centralizing some college purchases to increase cost savings to the college.

For more information, please visit the Budget Committee website.

Current chairs: John Nahlen (management), second chair, Bret Peppo (faculty)

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please visit the links to each committee above.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, can access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the public website.