Supplemental Instruction at DVC

Supplemental instruction is a peer-led learning environment designed and proven to enhance your performance in some of our campus’s most challenging science and math courses. The program holds voluntary, free support workshops to help you build your confidence in problem solving and improve your conceptual understanding of the material covered in your course. Peer facilitators coordinate with science and math faculty to tailor the weekly sessions to the topics being discussed in your class that week and will highlight common challenges and reinforce key themes to help you succeed. You are free to join as many sessions as your schedule permits. Please join us on Fridays to jumpstart your studies! See the schedule below for times and locations.

This semester, Supplemental Instruction is available for CHEM 121 and MATH 192.

Hours and Zoom Access

The time and locations are listed below. Remember, if you fall below 80% on a quiz or exam in either Chem 121 or Math 192, you are required to attend SI. If you have any questions about this, please contact the MESA office.

Course Location Time
CHEM 121 PL-102 (map) Friday 11 am - 1 pm
MATH 192 LC-206 - 2nd floor of Learning Center (map) Monday & Tuesday
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm